Dorys T. Chirinos, Fernando Sánchez-Mora, Freddy Zambrano, Jessenia Castro-Olaya, Gregorio Vasconez, Galo Cedeño, Kevin Pin, Jeison Zambrano, Viviana Suarez-Navarrete, Vicente Proaño, Julio Mera-Macias and Carlos Vasquez
Corn (Zea mays L.) is an important cereal for food sovereignty, extensively planted due to its adaptation to various agroecological conditions. Climatic conditions and pests can affect its production. Concerning the latter, natural enemies could be consi...
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Anthony Omar Donoso-Alvarado, Carmen Cruz Flores-Anchundia, Alma Mendoza, Ernesto A. Moya-Elizondo, Diego Portalanza, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos
Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) has emerged as a promising fruit crop in Ecuador, but the recent identification of rust poses a potential threat to its productive development. This study focused on elucidating the morphological aspects of the basidiomyce...
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