41   Artículos

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Carla Morales, Marco Schwartz, Marcela Sepúlveda, Vilma Quitral     Pág. 59 - 67
Se caracterizó el alga Agarophyton chilensis (ex Gracilaria chilensis) tanto deshidratada como cocida al vapor. Se analizó la composición química, polifenoles totales y propiedades tecnológicas relacionadas con retención de agua, aceite y formación de ge... ver más
Revista: Revista de Ciencia y TecnologÍ­a    Formato: Electrónico

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Bernadett Kiss, Szilveszter Gergely, András Salgó, Áron Németh     Pág. 388?395
The increasing use of energy in the world is leading to the exhaustion of fossil fuels, so novel alternative solutions have to be found to meet our needs. One solution is renewable raw materials extracted from algae. The use of microalgae is widespread, ... ver más
Revista: Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Ianna Wivianne Fernandes de Araújo, José Ariévilo Gurgel Rodrigues, Edfranck de Sousa Oliveira Vanderlei, Gabriela Almeida de Paula, Ticiana de Brito Lima, Norma Maria Barros Benevides     Pág. 127 - 135
Biochemical analyses are important tools for discovering new bioactive compounds for medical clinic. This study aimed at isolating iota-carrageenans (?-CARs) from Solieria filiformis (Rhodophyta) by enzymatic extraction (EE), refined hot-water extraction... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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José Ariévilo Gurgel Rodrigues, Ismael Nilo Lino de Queiroz, Érika Façanha Bessa, Chistiane Oliveira Coura, Rodrigo César das Neves Amorim, Norma Maria Barros Benevides     Pág. 371 - 378
Heparin (HEP) is known due to their side effects and the red seaweed Halymenia floresia (Hf) sulfated polysaccharides (SP) are heparinoids. In this study we purified the Hf-SP obtained from an aqueous extract and evaluated their anticoagulant activities.... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Márcia Teresinha Veit, Edson Antonio da Silva, Márcia Maria Fagundes-Klen, Célia Regina Granhen Tavares, Gilberto da Cunha Gonçalves     Pág. 175 - 183
Este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo da biossorção dos íons cromo e níquel presentes no efluente do processo de uma indústria de galvanoplastia, utilizando como biossorvente a biomassa de alga marinha pré-tratada Sargassum filipendula. As condições d... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Diana C. G. A. Pinto, Marie L. Lesenfants, Gonçalo P. Rosa, Maria Carmo Barreto, Artur M. S. Silva and Ana M. L. Seca    
Asparagopsis armata Harvey is a red alga native from the southern hemisphere and then introduced in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, including the Azores Archipelago, where it is considered an invasive alga. Some studies show that the extrac... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Qiang Zhang, Yi Bai, Zhi Chen, Jiezhang Mo, Yulu Tian and Jiahua Guo    
Lincomycin (LIN), as a waterborne contaminant, may pose a threat to algal health and may affect the provision of ecosystem services. In addition, the molecular mechanisms of lincomycin in algae are still unknown. Here, we attempted to use the transcripto... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Amanda Valenzuela-Valenzuela,Belen Rivera-Corvalán,Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez    
The general objective is to describe the innovation in the production of creams and soaps based on the extract of sea chicory from the No. 1 Union of Fish and Algueras de Coliumo. As theoretical background, information is presented on factors that interv... ver más
Revista: Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo    Formato: Electrónico

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Isabel Cardoso, João Cotas, Ana Rodrigues, Daniel Ferreira, Nádia Osório and Leonel Pereira    
Nowadays, the development of new drugs only relies on a small number of molecules and 50% of all existent drugs are extracted or synthetically obtained. This work intends to evaluate the antibacterial potential of the ethanolic and polysaccharide extract... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Fang Yan, Huichao Jiang, Yuanqing Ma, Cuiju Cui, Huawei Qin, Lijuan Liu, Shasha Zang, Hongyan Xing, Zhiguang Xu and Hongyan Wu    
Sargassum golden tides (GT) are common in numerous coastal areas all over the world, and it adversely affects local marine life. Eutrophication is critical for Sargassum GT development. However, its physiological and ecological mechanism remains unclear.... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Ke Shi, Yuehong Yao, Jianliang Xue, Dongle Cheng and Bo Wang    
With the rapid development of nanotechnology, nanomaterials have been widely utilized in many industries and daily life applications due to their unique properties. However, their potential release and the human health/environmental consequences have rai... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Abo El-Khair B. El-Sayed, Nashwa A. Fetyan, Farahat S. Moghanm, Mohssen Elbagory, Fatma M. Ibrahim, Mahmoud W. Sadik and Mohamed S. Shokr    
The Chrythophyta alga Nannochloropsis oculata was mixotrophically grown in artificial media enriched with acid-prehydrolyzed bagasse waste as a source of organic carbon. The used growth medium was composed of F2 nutrients, sea salt (22.0 g L-1), and baga... ver más
Revista: Agriculture    Formato: Electrónico

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Craig Walker, Andrew Cole, Elsa Antunes and Madoc Sheehan    
Algae-based products have applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries, bioremediation of waste streams and biofuel production. Drying has been recognised to constitute the largest energy cost in algae processing, yet there is limited data or m... ver más
Revista: Clean Technologies    Formato: Electrónico

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Márcia Regina Fagundes-Klen, Márcia Teresinha Veit, Edson Antônio da Silva, Rosangela Bergamasco, Tiago Dias Martins, Rafael Luan Sehn Canevesi     Pág. 439 - 446
Neste trabalho foi estudada a biossorção, em solução monocomponente, dos íons Cu2+, Cd2+ e Zn2+ pela alga marinha Sargassm filipendula pré-tratada com CaCl2 0,5 M. Os experimentos foram realizados em reator batelada, em diferentes pHs fixos (3,0; 4,0; 5,... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Araceli Aparecida Seolatto, Célia Regina Tavares, Eneida Sala Cossich, Edson Antonio da Silva, Terezinha Aparecida Guedes     Pág. 207 - 214
A fim de se realizar um estudo sobre os efeitos de parâmetros importantes na dessorção de níquel da alga marinha Sargassum filipendula, quatro agentes foram testados em grupos de planejamento fatorial 4.23 (tipo de eluente (E), carga de níquel (q), conce... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Araceli Aparecida Seolatto, Maurício Melo Câmara, Célia Regina Tavares, Eneida Sala Cossich, Edson Antonio da Silva     Pág. 57 - 64
Foi estudado o desempenho da alga marinha Sargassum filipendula na remoção de níquel de uma solução de concentração de 50 mg L-1 em pH 3,5, em colunas de leito fixo que operam em ciclos de adsorção/dessorção. Foram testados dois sistemas de eluição; o pr... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Araceli Aparecida Seolatto, Márcia Terezinha Veit, Eneida Sala Cossich, Célia Regina Granhen Tavares, Edson Antônio da Silva, Eduardo Augusto Pontel     Pág. 157 - 163
The nickel(II) biosorption capacity of the Sargassum filipendula brown marine algae was studied in the batch mode. The biosorption study involved the determination of equilibrium data of the nickel-biomass system, considering the influence of the pretrea... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Camila Cara Stadella, José Rodrigo Oliveira Pocrifka, Eneida Sala Cossich     Pág. 77 - 82
A indústria do couro gera uma grande quantidade de efluentes, sendo que o principal agente utilizado no curtimento é o cromo, metal altamente tóxico. Um método alternativo/adicional de tratamento para este efluente é a biossorção, ligação passiva de meta... ver más
Revista: Acta Scientiarum: Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Tadashi Kawai    
The phenology of the alga-dwelling amphipod Ceinina japonica Stephensen, 1933 (Amphipoda: Eophliantidae) was studied at Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan, from May 2016 to March 2017. Seasonal shifting between the host algal species was confirmed through o... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Larisa Ryabushko, Daria Balycheva, Sergey Kapranov, Armine Shiroyan, Anastasiia Blaginina and Sophia Barinova    
As the production of cultured bivalve mollusks is increasing worldwide, there is a growing need to study the biodiversity and ecology of microalgae in the mariculture zones. This study presents multiannual data (obtained in 2015?2016 and 2018?2020) on th... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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