Inicio  /  Ciéncia Florestal  /  Vol: 29 Núm: 3 Par: 0 (2019)  /  Artículo

Respostas fisiológicas de plantas jovens de Eucalyptus urophylla tratadas com bioestimulante sob deficit hídrico

Rayka Kristian Alves Santos    
Paulo Araquém Ramos Cairo    
Romário Pereira Barbosa    
Janderson de Jesus Lacerda    
Caio da Silva Mafra Neto    
Theilon Henrique de Jesus Macedo    


Biostimulants consist of a mixture of growth regulators that, when they are sprayed on plants, act on hormonal balance, enhancing its development. Stimulate® is a biostimulant composed by indole butyric acid (0.005%), kinetin (0.009%) and gibberellic acid (0.005%) which promotes root growth, improves water and nutrients uptake, and helps restore plant hormonal balance. This research was based on the hypothesis that Stimulate® spraying can be an alternate way to mitigate negative effects of soil water-limiting on plant growth. The experimental work was performed in greenhouse and aimed to evaluate physiological responses of young plants of Eucalyptus urophylla sprayed with different Stimulate® concentrations and submitted to the following irrigation regimes: full, partial and no irrigation. Leaf water potential, relative water content, net photosynthesis, plant height and main root length were measured. Under water-limited conditions, plants sprayed with Stimulate® showed higher net photosynthesis and relative water content had a less decrease, due to osmotic adjustment. Spraying with Stimulate® also provided greater plant height and longer main root length in plants under water deficit. We conclude that the use of Stimulate® can be a viable option to mitigate negative water stress physiological effects in young plants of Eucalyptus urophylla, helping to partially maintain the plant growth under water-limited conditions.

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