Effects of the Location of a Misloaded Fuel Assembly on the Neutron Multiplication Factor of CASTOR X/28 F Spent Fuel Cask

Mosebetsi J Leotlela    
I Petr    


Fuel assembly misload incidents represent a serious nuclear safety concern from a nuclear criticality safety point of view, since they can potentially cause reactivity induced accidents (RIA) accidents with severe consequences. Misloads are a result of inadequate spent fuel management such as poor record keeping of important data of the spent fuel (e.g. the exact location of each fuel assembly in the spent fuel pool, the cooling period and burnup) which are crucial for decision whether they will be acceptable for cask loading or not. The cask under study is CASTOR X/28 F which is designed for fuel assemblies with a 10-year cooling period and the average enrichment of 3.25 wt%.

pp. 5 - 10

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