End-to-End Privacy Protection for Facebook Mobile Chat based on AES with Multi-Layered MD5

Wibisono Sukmo Wardhono    
Nurizal Dwi Priandani    
Mahardeka Tri Ananta    
Komang Candra Brata    
Herman Tolle    


As social media environments become more interactive and amount of users grown tremendously, privacy is a matter of increasing concern. When personal data become a commodity, social media company can share users data to another party such as government. Facebook, inc is one of the social media company that frequently asked for user?s data. Although this private data request mechanism through a formal and valid legal process, it still undermine the fundamental right to information privacy. In This Case, social media users need protection against privacy violation from social media platform provider itself.  Private chat is the most favorite feature of a social media. Inside a chat room, user can share their private information contents. Cryptography is one of data protection methods that can be used to hides private communication data from unauthorized parties. In our study, we proposed a system that can encrypt chatting content based on AES and multi-layered MD5 to ensure social media users have privacy protection against social media company that use user informations as a commodity. In addition, this system can make users convenience to share their private information through social media platform.

Palabras claves

pp. pp. 160 - 167

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