Analysis of efficiency and explanatory management factors in the municipalities of Meta, Colombia

Javier Díaz Castro    
Justo de Jorge Moreno    


This research analyzes efficiency and explanatory management factors in the municipalities of Meta (Colombia) for the period 2010-2014. In order to provide a global and complementary view, an analysis was performed based on the efficiency estimated by the DNP (National Planning Department) for the period 2006-2014. The study used the methodology of data envelopment analysis (DEA), with an intertemporal border; results reveal that the efficiency levels achieved in various sectors related to municipal activities were 81.3 % and 49.7 % in education; 66.6 % in health; and 52.8 % and 62.2 % in water. These efficiency levels show that, on average, the analyzed municipalities could be able to improve the management of their inputs. A more detailed analysis showed that 16 municipalities (29.6 %) are above the average efficiency level in education; 10 municipalities (18.5 %) in health; and 13 municipalities (24 %) in water. The most important explanatory factors for efficiency have been investment in relation to population in any of the studied activities (education, health, and water), as well as the characteristics of the region to which the municipalities belong, in terms of population, area or altitude.

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