Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 11 Par: 2 (2020)  /  Artículo

An ECDSA Approach to Access Control in Knowledge Management Systems Using Blockchain

Gabriel Nyame    
Zhiguang Qin    
Kwame Opuni-Boachie Obour Agyekum and Emmanuel Boateng Sifah    


Access control has become problematic in several organizations because of the difficulty in establishing security and preventing malicious users from mimicking roles. Moreover, there is no flexibility among users in the participation in their roles, and even controlling them. Several role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms have been proposed to alleviate these problems, but the security has not been fully realized. In this work, however, we present an RBAC model based on blockchain technology to enhance user authentication before knowledge is accessed and utilized in a knowledge management system (KMS). Our blockchain-based system model and the smart contract ensure that transparency and knowledge resource immutability are achieved. We also present smart contract algorithms and discussions about the model. As an essential part of RBAC model applied to KMS environment, trust is ensured in the network. Evaluation results show that our system is efficient.

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