Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 20 (2019)  /  Artículo

Imaging Correlography Using Ptychography

Zhixin Li    
Desheng Wen    
Zongxi Song    
Tuochi Jiang    
Weikang Zhang    
Gang Liu and Xin Wei    


Space target surveillance is a significant part of space defense, and is also important for maintaining national security. Imaging of the space targets is the direct method used to realize space target recognition. However, for long-range space targets, such as middle-and-high altitude Earth satellites and space debris above 10,000 km, the resolution of the imaging system is required to reach the milliarcsecond (mas) scale to obtain clear images. Because of the limitations of telescope apertures, it is difficult for traditional wavefront imaging to satisfy this requirement. In addition, the amplitude interferometer requires high accuracy from the instrument, which makes it difficult to achieve a long baseline. The proposed ptychographic imaging correlography removes the need to measure the phase information of the object. The ptychographic phase retrieval algorithm is applied to restore the phase data to realize target reconstruction. This has the advantages of low equipment accuracy and insensitivity to atmospheric turbulence. Therefore, the proposed method in this work has great prospects in long-range imaging systems.

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