Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 13 Par: 9 (2020)  /  Artículo

More Time-Space Tradeoffs for Finding a Shortest Unique Substring

Hideo Bannai    
Travis Gagie    
Gary Hoppenworth    
Simon J. Puglisi and Luís M. S. Russo    


We extend recent results regarding finding shortest unique substrings (SUSs) to obtain new time-space tradeoffs for this problem and the generalization of finding k-mismatch SUSs. Our new results include the first algorithm for finding a k-mismatch SUS in sublinear space, which we obtain by extending an algorithm by Senanayaka (2019) and combining it with a result on sketching by Gawrychowski and Starikovskaya (2019). We first describe how, given a text T of length n and m words of workspace, with high probability we can find an SUS of length L in O(n(L/m)logL)" role="presentation">??(??(??/??)log??)O(n(L/m)logL) O ( n ( L / m ) log L ) time using random access to T, or in O(n(L/m)log2(L)loglogσ)" role="presentation">??(??(??/??)log2(??)loglog??)O(n(L/m)log2(L)loglogs) O ( n ( L / m ) log 2 ( L ) log log s ) time using O((L/m)log2L)" role="presentation">??((??/??)log2??)O((L/m)log2L) O ( ( L / m ) log 2 L ) sequential passes over T. We then describe how, for constant k, with high probability, we can find a k-mismatch SUS in O(n1+ϵL/m)" role="presentation">??(??1+????/??)O(n1+?L/m) O ( n 1 + ? L / m ) time using O(nϵL/m)" role="presentation">??(??????/??)O(n?L/m) O ( n ? L / m ) sequential passes over T, again using only m words of workspace. Finally, we also describe a deterministic algorithm that takes O(nτlogσlogn)" role="presentation">??(????log??log??)O(ntlogslogn) O ( n t log s log n ) time to find an SUS using O(n/τ)" role="presentation">??(??/??)O(n/t) O ( n / t ) words of workspace, where τ" role="presentation">??t t is a parameter.

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