A multidisciplinary research framework for analysing the spatial enablement of public sector processes

Ezra Dessers    
Joep Crompvoets    
Katleen Janssen    
Glenn Vancauwenberghe    
Danny Vandenbroucke    
Lieselot Vanhaverbeke    
Geert Van Hootegem    


Although Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a complex concept with many facets, it is widely recognised that SDIs are about facilitating and coordinating spatial information flows. This paper argues that the analysis of spatial information flows should not be separated from the processes in which they are embedded. The paper presents the development of a multidisciplinary research framework to study the spatial enablement of public sector processes, and the application of this research framework in a case study on zoning planning in Flanders (Belgium). The paper demonstrates the applicability of the proposed research framework for enhancing our understanding of factors that may influence the role of spatial information in public sector processes. The identification of these decisive factors may contribute to the further advancement of SDI as an enabling platform.

pp. 125 - 150

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