A Scalable Application for Automatic Internationalization of ISO19139 Metadata in DRDSI

Alberto Gemelli    


Internationalization is the process of transforming software or digital documents so that they can be accessed automatically in different languages in different countries. In this work, a prototype software application named MT@EC-Wrapper, which internationalizes a corpus of XML documents, transforming them into a multilingual parallel corpus, is implemented within the Danube Reference Data Services and Infrastructure (DRDSI) of the EU?s INSPIRE project. The application integrates document automation technology with the European Commission?s on-line machine translation service MT@EC. This case study achieves the goal of fully automating the transformation process of the DRDSI ISO19139 XML repository into a parallel corpus in the nine official languages of the DRDSI project. The design of this application also addresses the issues of processing performance, control and scalability. The project is compared with similar systems used within the EU institutions; the focus of the analysis is on metadata standards for internationalization and metadata processors.

pp. 112 - 140

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