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Sugiharsono Sugiharsono    
Barkah Lestari    
Daru Wahyuni      


Abstrak: Persepsi dan Motivasi Pegawai Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta terhadap    Badan Usaha Koperasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat pengetahuan pegawai tentang perkoperasian; mendeskripsikan persepsi pegawai terhadap koperasi dan motivasi berkoperasi pegawai; dan mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan dan persepsi tentang koperasi terhadap motivasi berkoperasi pegawai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan populasi seluruh pegawai UNY Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik area quota random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dengan instrumen angket tertutup. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier sederhana. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan perkoperasian pegawai berada pada kategori tinggi; persepsi pegawai terhadap badan usaha koperasi sangat baik; dan mereka memiliki motivasi berkoperasi yang tinggi. Pengetahuan perkoperasian tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap motivasi berkoperasi tetapi berpengaruh tidak langsung melalui persepsi tentang koperasi. Kata Kunci: pengetahuan perkoperasian, persepsi tentang koperasi, motivasi berkoperasi. Abstract: Perceptions and Motivation of Yogyakarta State University Employees on Cooperative Enterprises. This study aims to describe employees? knowledge on cooperatives, employees? perception of the cooperatives, and employees? motivation to join cooperatives. Additionally, it examines the effect of knowledge and perceptions on cooperative to employees? motivation to join cooperatives. This is a survey research. The population of this research is all YSU?s employees. Sample was obtained by quota area random sampling technique. A set of closed questionnaires was employed to collect the data, and then they were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and a simple linear regression. The study found that the employees? level of knowledge on cooperatives was at the high category; employees? perception on cooperative was very good; and they have a high motivation to join cooperatives. Knowledge of cooperatives did not have a direct effect on the motivation to join cooperatives, however it had indirect influences through the perception of cooperatives. Keywords: knowledge on cooperatives, perception of the cooperatives, motivation to join cooperatives.

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