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Performance investigation of dual shaft hybrid vertical turbines using directional fins

Erwin Erwin    
Tresna Priyana Soemardi    
Adi Surjosatyo    
Sakti Nurfuadi    
Slamet Wiyono    


The current direction of wind turbine development is more on horizontal wind turbine types because of its efficiency, which is better than vertical wind turbines. But there are some advantages of this vertical wind turbine in the kind of array turbines and small-sized turbines. In this paper, the research focuses on developing a vertical wind turbine between Savonius and Darrieus turbines and has a dual shaft on one wind energy generating unit.Vertical turbine design with two turbine shafts placed close together is intended to increase turbine efficiency and increase power density. But this design also affects the omnidirectional nature of the vertical single shaft turbine.This research investigates the change in the omnidirectional nature of the hybrid vertical turbine dual shaft design and the influence of models of a fin to restore the properties of the omnidirectional turbine. Then tests the performance between prototype using the directional fins and without using the directional fins.Omnidirectional nature is one of the advantages in vertical turbines, but in the design with two axes, the omnidirectional nature changes and can affect the overall vertical turbine performance.The experiment results show that the vertical shaft hybrid turbines still have omnidirectional properties, and the use of fins increases the TSR (Tips Speed ratio) value of wind speed, increases the Cp (Power coefficient) of the wind turbine and increases the mechanical power potential of the turbine.

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