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Mechanical properties of load bearing walls made of uruguayan hollow ceramic bricks

Juan José Fontana    


This paper presents an analysis of the mechanical characteristics ofmasonry walls made of hollow ceramic uruguayan bricks, based onresults obtained in laboratory tests that determine the compressive,bending and shear strength of brickwork specimens and the compressivestrength of the hollow or perforated bricks used to manufacture them.It also discusses the way the specimens fail and the dependence ofthe masonry walls mechanical strength on the compressive strengthof the bricks. A strong relationship between the compressive strengthof brickwork specimens tested and the compressive strength of thebricks they were manufactured with, is observed. The equations thatbest appear to link these two mechanical characteristics, for bricks withcompressive strengths up to 25 daN/cm2, were determined. However,is not observed a direct relation between tested brickwork specimensbending or shear strength, and the compressive strength of the brickswith which they were manufactured. It seems crucial, both in masonrybending and shear strength, the adhesion between ceramic bricks andmortar.

pp. 15 - 21

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