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Inicio  /  Atmósfera  /  Vol: 5 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (1992)  /  Artículo

Satellite estimates of cloud-top pressures and cloud amounts for high cloud in the tropics



A method is developed for estimating the cloud top pressure and the cloud amount when clouds occur between the 100 mb and 200 mb level in the tropics. The method depends on the fact that the radiance in the High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder channel 3 (691 cm-1) is affected by clouds at those levels but is not affected much by clouds below the 200 mb level. Channel 3 radiances are used together with radiances from channel 4 (704 cm-1) to construct a diagram from which the cloud top pressure and cloud amount can be estimated. Satellite observations of radiances (equivalent brightness temperatures) in those two channels are entered into the diagram to yield the cloud parameters. The result from TIROS N data for June 11, 1979 near 1ºS, 106 E, are compared to published computations for that date. The results here show that overcast clouds reached the 100 mb level. The published data show clouds with about 50 cloud cover which do not reach the 200 mb level.  

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