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Smart Interconnections of Interurban and Urban Freight Transport towards Achieving Sustainable City Logistics

Eftihia Nathanail    
Michael Gogas    
Giannis Adamos    


The booming increase in the need for passenger and freight transport concerning both interurban and urban context during the last two decades has resulted in deep impact in human and natural environment. Towards the alleviation of consequences, the decision makers consider various smart logistics solutions, which do not always results in the desired impacts. The key concept of the methodology presented in this paper is the incorporation of an evaluation framework and the estimation of the assessment indicators for smart logistics solutions, to be used in the decision-making of the involved stakeholders. Such solutions fall into two sub-categories: ?administrative and regulatory schemes and incentives? and ?cooperative logistics?. The paper presents:?an integrated evaluation framework for city logistics which incorporates the complexity of interconnecting interurban and urban freight transport and the life cycle of the smart solutions;?the impact of these solutions on the city performance and business viability and sustainability, based on a pilot implementation;?guidance for implementing these solutions through the establishment of communications links and collaborations amongst the involved stakeholders.

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