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Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel in the RBMK-1000 Storage Systems

Vladyslav Soloviov    
Yevgen Pysmenniy    


?n th?s paper account?ng of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) burnup of RBMK-1000 w?th act?n?des has been performed. The follow?ng character?st?cs were analyzed: ?n?t?al fuel enr?chment, burnup fract?on, ax?al burnup prof?le ?n the fuel assembly (FA) and fuel we?ght. As the results show, ?n the f?rst 400 hours after stopp?ng the reactor, there ?s an ?ncrease ?n the effect?ve neutron mult?pl?cat?on factor (keff) due to beta decay of 239Np ?nto 239Pu. Further, from 5 to 50 years, there ?s a decrease ?n keff due to beta decay of 241Pu ?nto 241Am. Beyond 50 years there ?s a sl?ght change ?n the cr?t?cal?ty of the system. Account?ng for nuclear fuel burnup ?n the just?f?cat?on of nuclear safety of SNF systems w?ll prov?de an opportun?ty to ?ncrease the volume of loaded fuel and thus s?gn?f?cantly reduce technology costs of handl?ng of SNF.

pp. 53 - 59

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