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Inicio  /  Management  /  Vol: 20 Núm: 75 Par: 0 (2015)  /  Artículo

Potential Sources for Financing Environmental Protection Projects ? Focusing on Energy Efficiency

Milan Pocuca    
Rajko Tepavac    
Jana Cvijic    
Aleksandra Mitrovic    


This paper elaborates financial mechanisms for financing energy efficiency with particular emphasis on the resources from financial institutions and equity funds and capital from the companies themselves. By conducting relevant academic research of literature and data from print and electronic sources (statistical reports, laws and regulations, statements of companies and financial institutions), as well as from the practical experience of some countries, it has been observed that the poor representation of adapted financial mechanisms is a major constraint to the emergence of a culture of energy efficiency in most countries, including Serbia. Even where they exist they are not necessarily known to make use of successful experiences. By conducting an analysis of the relevant academic literature and an analysis of practical experiences in the domain of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources it was concluded that energy efficiency is a significant potential for growth of the economic strength of Serbia, and therefore incentives should nfluence a greater use of renewable energy and a reduction in use of the fossil fuels as an energy source.

pp. 57 - 66

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