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Sector performance under inflationary conditions

A. Archer    


AbstractThe effects of inflation are substantial, widespread and differential. The author investigated the effect of inflation on the published income of 19 industrial sectors of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The various adjustments for the effects of inflation recommended by Guideline 4.003 of the S A Institute of Chartered Accountants were made to the published income of individual companies and accumulated to gain a perspective of sector performance. Possible reasons for the exceptionally large adjustments in a few sectors are discussed. Measures which could be introduced by companies to counter the effects of inflation are explained.Die gevolge van inflasie is aansienlik, verspreid en differensieel van aard. Die skrywer het die effek van inflasie op die gepubliseerde inkomste van die 19 nywerheidsektore van die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs ondersoek. Die verskillende regstellings of aanpassings vir die effek van inflasie, soos aanbeveel deur Riglyn 4.003 van die SA lnstituut van Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters, is aan die gepubliseerde inkomste van individuele maatskappye gemaak en geakkumuleer om 'n perspektief oor sektorprestasie te verkry. Moontlike redes vir buitengewoon hoe regstellings in 'n paar sektore word bespreek. Maatreels wat deur maatskappye getref kan word om die effek van inflasie teen te werk, word bespreek.

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