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On the concept of a national messaging system

K. Summanen    
S. Seleznev    


The article discusses the draft concept of a national messaging system (NSPS), which is understood to mean the subsystem of the national technological infrastructure, which provides the possibility of meaningful exchange of digital messages between any subjects of the national economy in any modes they need. The purpose of the article is to initiate a discussion of the idea of creating an NSSP in the expert community "at the conceptual level" in order to develop a coherent understanding of the possible role, functions, architecture and place of such a system in the national technological infrastructure of the country's digital economy and confirm (or refute) the feasibility of its implementation. The concept describes only the basic principles of organization, basic services and processes, and the high-level architecture of the NSPS, and should not be construed as a complete, detailed, and complete description of the specification of requirements and / or functions and / or the technical architecture of the NSPS. The design and implementation of the NSPS implies standardization across the country in the framework of the Digital Economy program by the entire organized community of Russian software developers based on open source code. The terms and abbreviations used in the article are understood in accordance with the definitions given at the place of first use or given in Section 9.

pp. 36 - 52

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