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Eff?ct of Different Levels of Water Stress on the Growth and Yield of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) by Using Drip Irrigation Technology

Nazeer Hussain Shah    


The present study was undertaken to see the effect of diff?r?nt l?v?ls of irrigation tr?atm?nts on the growth and yi?ld of mango on a sandy-loamy clay soil, by using drip irrigation technique having flow rat? of dripp?rs 4 lit?rs p?r hour (LPH). The data obtained revealed that maximum plant height (443.63 cm), number of flowers (558.60), number of fruits per tree (987.00), fruit length (20.07 cm), and fruit yield (64.28 kg/plant) were recorded in T5 (twice application of water for 62.5 minutes). However, the maximum plant girth (77.90 cm) and fruit weight (140.18 gm) was found in T6 (twice application of water for 75 minutes) respectively. The tr?atm?nt T1 show?d poor results for all th? param?t?rs which indicate that too low or high irrigation application p?r day through drip irrigation syst?m may n?gativ?ly aff?ct th? vigorous growth and yi?ld param?t?rs of mango. R?sults sugg?sts that th? twice application of water comprised of (62.5 minutes) longer duration by using 4 drippers (flow rate 16 LPH) for th? mango trees, w?r? found appropriate for best possibl? growth and yi?ld of mango.

pp. 34 - 38

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