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Lyudmyla Chernova    
Oleksandra Mazurkevych    
Liubava Chernova    


When analyzing the causes for the failure of previous programmes, the following issues are usually focused on: whether the results of the programmes were timely, whether the budget was not exceeded, and whether the results met certain quality parameters. In some cases, the analysis can testify that the programme was completed successfully, the team acted successfully, settlements with suppliers were completed, and stakeholders and users were satisfied. But much rarely the question arises, whether the organization is really ready for the changes that the programme implements. The subject matter of the study in this article is the process of introducing changes to the activities of an organization. The goal is to develop a tool for analyzing the possibility of introducing changes to the work of an organization. The objectives are to consider specific aspects affecting the results and the possibility of introducing changes to an organization; to consider and justify the main problems and sources of resistance to changes; to develop a model for assessing the intensity of resistance to changes. The following methods were used while studying the set problem - logical generalization, analysis and synthesis, structural analysis. The following results were obtained: the model was developed for calculating the total resistance to the programme of changes or transformations, taking into account the intensity of programme implementation and its successful completion. The possibility to assess the level of resistance to changes is suggested, this level can be both high and low since the personnel of an organization and especially its management body can be satisfied with the stability of the company. The features of change programmes were analyzed and the main problems related to the personnel were specified. The problems were divided into two components: a component which relates to the organization management body and a component that is directly linked to the team working on the programme. Conclusions. The start-up tool for analyzing the implementation of the change programme in an organization was developed, that is, if the resistance to changes is higher than the organizational potential of a company, there cannot be any benefits from implementing the programme of changes. Therefore, the general resistance to changes in the organization should be reduced and only after that any change programmes and projects can be considered.

pp. 77 - 83

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