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Intervention Of Transformational Collegial Leadership To Develop Human Resources

Prakash Singh    


Transformational collegial leadership (TCL) is a collective action generated by transforming leadership which empowers all individuals who participate in this process, whether it is in business or education, or in any other organization. TCL is a leadership style that facilitates the redefinition of a people's mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment, and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. Recent research is strongly supportive of collegiality as a key factor in transforming traditional bureaucratic management practices in organizations. Far-reaching organizational and structural changes are required to address the severe imbalances in the provision and strong bureaucratic controls in many organizations at all levels. Transformation involves every aspect of life, and education is no exception. Hence, this qualitative study investigated the impact of TCL on developing human resources in two primary schools which were purposively selected to participate in this study. Primary school leaders, from a transformational perspective, view employees as potential leaders, with the focus being to enable leaders to act through fostering collaboration and strengthening employees. This involves competencies such as the effective use of power, developing human resources and the ability to cope, and initiating change from both the leader and the employee. The collegial leader then becomes a catalyst for growth, through attention to structures, development opportunities for employees and in the expectations and the manner in which interaction with employees takes place. This study affirms that human resource development and TCL embrace the values of collaboration, confrontation, authenticity, trust, support and openness.


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