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Inicio  /  Jurnal Go Infotech  /  Vol: 19 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2013)  /  Artículo


Gilang Gemilang Wahyu Aji Wijaya    
Ernes Cahyo Nugroho    


Shop Stationery and Copy of Bengawan still using the manual system , which still uses the book as a medium for recording data in and out , and calculators as tools sales calculation stuff so it is conceivable that the time spent on data recording , and no guarantee of accuracy and the data security . Also in Shop Stationery and Copy of Bengawan often out of stock of goods when the customer wants the item , the lack of information obtained by the leader or the business owners about reports that exist in the business and the amount of paper that failed Copied ignored , where as the amount of paper that fails if recapitulated in one month the amount is not little , obviously it is very detrimental. The methodology used in this research is the study of literature and interviews with various parties Stationery Stores and Copy of Bengawan . The design and construction of this system using the programming language Visual Basic 6.0 , and SQL Server . With information systems Shop Stationery and Copy of Bengawan can help operational stores , can help data storage or data recap in a long time and alsoreduces losses due to errors due to human error .Keyword : Information System, Shop Stationery and Copy, Bengawan Shop Surakarta

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