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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 12 Par: 1 (2021)  /  Artículo

The Two-Layer Hierarchical Distribution Model of Zeros of Riemann?s Zeta Function along the Critical Line

Michel Riguidel    


This article numerically analyzes the distribution of the zeros of Riemann?s zeta function along the critical line (CL). The zeros are distributed according to a hierarchical two-layered model, one deterministic, the other stochastic. Following a complex plane anamorphosis involving the Lambert function, the distribution of zeros along the transformed CL follows the realization of a stochastic process of regularly spaced independent Gaussian random variables, each linked to a zero. The value of the standard deviation allows the possible overlapping of adjacent realizations of the random variables, over a narrow confidence interval. The hierarchical model splits the ?? ? function into sequential equivalence classes, with the range of probability densities of realizations coinciding with the spectrum of behavioral styles of the classes. The model aims to express, on the CL, the coordinates of the alternating cancellations of the real and imaginary parts of the ?? ? function, to dissect the formula for the number of zeros below a threshold, to estimate the statistical laws of two consecutive zeros, of function maxima and moments. This also helps explain the absence of multiple roots.

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