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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 9 Par: 10 (2018)  /  Artículo

Improvement of Fast Simplified Successive-Cancellation Decoder for Polar Codes

Chao Xing    
Zhiliang Huang and Shengmei Zhao    


This paper presents a new latency reduction method for successive-cancellation (SC) decoding of polar codes that performs a frozen-bit checking on the rate-other (R-other) nodes of the Fast Simplified SC (Fast-SSC) pruning tree. The proposed method integrates the Fast-SSC algorithm and the Improved SSC method (frozen-bit checking of the R-other nodes). We apply a recognition-based method to search for as many constituent codes as possible in the decoding tree offline. During decoding, the current node can be decoded directly, if it is a special constituent code; otherwise, the frozen-bit check is executed. If the frozen-bit check condition is satisfied, the operation of the R-other node is the same as that of the rate-one node. In this paper, we prove that the frame error rate (FER) performance of the proposed algorithm is consistent with that of the original SC algorithm. Simulation results show that the proportion of R-other nodes that satisfy the frozen-bit check condition increases with the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Importantly, our proposed method yields a significant reduction in latency compared to those given by existing latency reduction methods. The proposed method solves the problem of high latency for the Improved-SSC method at a high code rate and low SNR, simultaneously.

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