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Inicio  /  Informatics  /  Vol: 3 Par: 2 (2016)  /  Artículo

Multi-Gateway-Based Energy Holes Avoidance Routing Protocol for WSN

Rohini Sharma and Daya Krishan Lobiyal    


In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), efficient energy conservation is required to prolong the lifetime of the network. In this work, we have given emphasis on balanced energy consumption and energy holes avoidance. This paper proposes a multi-gateway-based approach to reduce the transmission distance between the sender and the sink node. The area to be monitored is divided into regions and gateway nodes are deployed at optimal positions. We have designed a transmission scheme, in which sensors in the sink region communicate directly to the sink, sensors in the gateway region communicate directly to the gateway, and sensors in the cluster region transmit their data directly to their respective cluster head which transmits data to the gateway in its region. If the distance between a cluster head and the sink is less than the distance between the cluster head and the gateway node, the cluster head transmits data to the sink instead of the gateway node. We have compared the proposed protocol with Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Gateway Based Energy Aware Multi-Hop Routing (M-GEAR), and Gateway Based Stable Election Protocol (GSEP) protocols. The protocol performs better than other protocols in terms of throughput, stability period, lifetime, residual energy, and the packet transmitted to the sink.

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