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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 12 Par: 7 (2021)  /  Artículo

An Online Iterative Linear Quadratic Approach for a Satisfactory Working Point Attainment at FERMI

Niky Bruchon    
Gianfranco Fenu    
Giulio Gaio    
Simon Hirlander    
Marco Lonza    
Felice Andrea Pellegrino and Erica Salvato    


The attainment of a satisfactory operating point is one of the main problems in the tuning of particle accelerators. These are extremely complex facilities, characterized by the absence of a model that accurately describes their dynamics, and by an often persistent noise which, along with machine drifts, affects their behaviour in unpredictable ways. In this paper, we propose an online iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (iLQR) approach to tackle this problem on the FERMI free-electron laser of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. It consists of a model identification performed by a neural network trained on data collected from the real facility, followed by the application of the iLQR in a Model-Predictive Control fashion. We perform several experiments, training the neural network with increasing amount of data, in order to understand what level of model accuracy is needed to accomplish the task. We empirically show that the online iLQR results, on average, in fewer steps than a simple gradient ascent (GA), and requires a less accurate neural network to achieve the goal.

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