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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 11 (2022)  /  Artículo

BERT- and BiLSTM-Based Sentiment Analysis of Online Chinese Buzzwords

Xinlu Li    
Yuanyuan Lei and Shengwei Ji    


Sentiment analysis of online Chinese buzzwords (OCBs) is important for healthy development of platforms, such as games and social networking, which can avoid transmission of negative emotions through prediction of users? sentiment tendencies. Buzzwords have the characteristics of varying text length, irregular wording, ignoring syntactic and grammatical requirements, no complete semantic structure, and no obvious sentiment features. This results in interference and challenges to the sentiment analysis of such texts. Sentiment analysis also requires capturing effective sentiment features from deeper contextual information. To solve the above problems, we propose a deep learning model combining BERT and BiLSTM. The goal is to generate dynamic representations of OCB vectors in downstream tasks by fine-tuning the BERT model and to capture the rich information of the text at the embedding layer to solve the problem of static representations of word vectors. The generated word vectors are then transferred to the BiLSTM model for feature extraction to obtain the local and global semantic features of the text while highlighting the text sentiment polarity for sentiment classification. The experimental results show that the model works well in terms of the comprehensive evaluation index F1. Our model also has important significance and research value for sentiment analysis of irregular texts, such as OCBs.

pp. 0 - 0

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