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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 2 (2022)  /  Artículo

A Single Equation to Depict Bottomhole Pressure Behavior for a Uniform Flux Hydraulic Fractured Well

Jang Hyun Lee and Juhairi Aris Bin Muhamad Shuhili    


Pressure transient analysis for a vertically hydraulically fractured well is evaluated using two different equations, which cater for linear flow at the early stage and radial flow in the later stage. However, there are three different stages that take place for an analysis of pressure transient, namely linear, transition and pseudo-radial flow. The transition flow regime is usually studied by numerical, inclusive methods or approximated analytically, for which no specific equation has been built, using the linear and radial equations. Neither of the approaches are fully analytical. The numerical, inclusive approach results in separate calculations for the different flow regimes because the equation cannot cater for all of the regimes, while the analytical approach results in a difficult inversion process to compute well test-derived properties such as permeability. There are two types of flow patterns in the fracture, which are uniform and non-uniform, called infinite conductivity in a high conductivity fracture. The study was conducted by utilizing an analogous study of linear flow equations. Instead of using the conventional error function, the exponential integral with an infinite number of wells was used. The results obtained from the developed analytical solution matched the numerical results, which proved that the equation was representative of the case. In conclusion, the generated analytical equation can be directly used as a substitute for current methods of analyzing uniform flow in a hydraulically fractured well.

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