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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 11 Par: 5 (2019)  /  Artículo

A Yielding Protocol that Uses Inter-Vehicle Communication to Improve the Traffic of Vehicles on a Low-Priority Road at an Unsignalized Intersection

Hayato Yajima and Kazumasa Takami    


Self-driven vehicles are being actively developed. When widespread, they will help reduce the number of traffic accidents and ease traffic congestion. They will coexist with human-driven vehicles for years. If there is a mismatch between human drivers? operations and the judgments of self-driven vehicles, congestion may arise at an unsignalized intersection, in particular, where roads are prioritized. Vehicles on the low-priority road attempting to cross, or turn to, the priority road can significantly reduce the traffic flow. We have proposed a yielding protocol to deal with this problem and evaluated it using a simulation that focused on traffic flow efficiency at an intersection. In the simulation, we have varied the number of vehicles coming into the roads and the percentage of self-driven vehicles and confirmed that the proposed yielding protocol could improve the traffic flow of vehicles on the low-priority road.

pp. 0 - 0

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