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Progressive Collapse of Dual-Line Rivers Based on River Segmentation Considering Cartographic Generalization Rules

Fubing Zhang    
Qun Sun    
Jingzhen Ma    
Zheng Lyu and Bowei Wen    


Collapse is a common cartographic generalization operation in multi-scale representation and cascade updating of vector spatial data. During transformation from large- to small-scale, the dual-line river shows progressive collapse from narrow river segment to line. The demand for vector spatial data with various scales is increasing; however, research on the progressive collapse of dual-line rivers is lacking. Therefore, we proposed a progressive collapse method based on vector spatial data. First, based on the skeleton graph of the dual-line river, the narrow and normal river segments are preliminarily segmented by calculating the width of the river. Second, combined with the rules of cartographic generalization, the collapse and exaggeration priority strategies are formulated to determine the handling mode of the river segment. Finally, based on the two strategies, progressive collapse of dual-line rivers is realized by collapse and exaggeration of the river segment. Experimental results demonstrated that the progressive collapse results of the proposed method were scale-driven, and the collapse part had no burr and topology problems, whereas the remaining part was clearly visible. The proposed method can be better applied to progressive collapse of the dual-line river through qualitative and quantitative evaluation with another progressive collapse method.

pp. 0 - 0

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