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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 14 (2021)  /  Artículo

Homogenized Balance Equations for Nonlinear Poroelastic Composites

Laura Miller and Raimondo Penta    


Within this work, we upscale the equations that describe the pore-scale behaviour of nonlinear porous elastic composites, using the asymptotic homogenization technique in order to derive the macroscale effective governing equations. A porous hyperelastic composite can be thought of as being comprised of a matrix interacting with a number of subphases and percolated by a fluid flowing in the pores (which is chosen to be Newtonian and incompressible here). A general nonlinear macroscale model is derived and is then specified for a particular choice of strain energy function, namely the de Saint-Venant function. This leads to a macroscale system of PDEs, which is of poroelastic type with additional terms and transformations to account for the nonlinear behaviour of the material. Our new porohyperelastic-type model describes the effective behaviour of nonlinear porous composites by prescribing the stress balance equations, the conservation of mass and Darcy?s law. The coefficients of these macroscale equations encode the detailed microstructure of the material and are to be found by solving pore-scale differential problems. The model reduces to the following limit cases of (a) linear poroelastic composites when the deformation gradient approaches the identity, (b) nonlinear composites when there are no pores and (c) nonlinear poroelasticity when only the matrix?fluid interaction is considered. This model is applicable when the interactions between various hyperelastic solid phases occur at the pore-scale, as in biological tissues such as artery walls, the myocardium, lungs and liver.

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