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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 16 Par: 3 (2023)  /  Artículo

Line-Level Layout Recognition of Historical Documents with Background Knowledge

Norbert Fischer    
Alexander Hartelt and Frank Puppe    


Digitization and transcription of historic documents offer new research opportunities for humanists and are the topics of many edition projects. However, manual work is still required for the main phases of layout recognition and the subsequent optical character recognition (OCR) of early printed documents. This paper describes and evaluates how deep learning approaches recognize text lines and can be extended to layout recognition using background knowledge. The evaluation was performed on five corpora of early prints from the 15th and 16th Centuries, representing a variety of layout features. While the main text with standard layouts could be recognized in the correct reading order with a precision and recall of up to 99.9%, also complex layouts were recognized at a rate as high as 90% by using background knowledge, the full potential of which was revealed if many pages of the same source were transcribed.

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