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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 7 Par: 3 (2015)  /  Artículo

Influence of Temperature on the Performance of a Full-Scale Activated Sludge Process Operated at Varying Solids Retention Times Whilst Treating Municipal Sewage

Moazzam Shahzad    
Sher Jamal Khan and Parneet Paul    


In this study, the solid retention time (SRT) was varied with the ambient temperature for a full-scale municipal activated sludge plant with capacity of 200,000 PE (Population Equivalent) located in a humid sub-tropical environment. The effects of ambient temperature on treatment performance were investigated. Off-line samples were collected and analyzed from the treatment plant. The actual temperature variation during the study period was divided into three overlapping ranges and the SRT was adjusted accordingly with temperature in order to achieve the desired effluent quality. The plant?s observed effluent quality and thereby its overall removal efficiency was evaluated in terms of measuring standard biochemical parameters. The results indicate that significant improvement in effluent quality can be obtained by applying the variable SRT (5?7 days) dependent on temperature variation.

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