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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2020)  /  Artículo

Convective Instability in Intraplate Oceanic Mantle Caused by Amphibolite-Derived Garnet-Pyroxenites?A Xenolith Perspective (Hyblean Plateau, Sicily)

Vittorio Scribano and Serafina Carbone    


Geochemical characteristics of middle ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) testify partial melting of spinel-peridotite mixed with a few amounts of garnet-pyroxenite. The latter can be considered either autochthonous products of the crystallization of partial melts in the sub-oceanic mantle or allocthonous recycled crustal materials originated in subduction contexts. Here we suggest the ?autocthnous recycled? origin for garnet-pyroxenites. Such a hypothesis derives from the study of garnet-bearing pyroxenite xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau (Sicily). These consist of Al-diopside, pyralspite-series garnet, Al-spinel and Al-rich orthopyroxene. Trace element distribution resembles an enriched MORB but lower chromium. Major-element abundances closely fit in a tschermakitic-horneblende composition. Assuming that a high-Al amphibolite was formed by hydrothermal metasomatism of a troctolitic gabbro in a slow-spreading ridge segment, a transient temperature increasing induced dehydroxilization reaction in amphiboles, giving Al-spinel-pyroxenite and vapor as products. Garnet partially replaced spinel during an isobaric cooling stage. Density measurements at room conditions on representative samples gave values in the range 3290?3380 kg m-3. In general, a density contrast =300 kg m-3 can give rise to convective instability, provided a sufficient large size of the heavy masses and adequate rheological conditions of the system. Garnet-pyroxenite lumps can therefore sink in the underlying mantle, imparting the ?garnet geochemical signature? to newly forming basaltic magma.

pp. 0 - 0

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