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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 6 Par: 1 (2014)  /  Artículo

Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Water Environment Management with a Focus on Water Recycling

Nan Xiang    
Jinghua Sha    
Jingjing Yan and Feng Xu    


An integrated water environment management system is necessary in improving water quality, properly allocating water resources, and supporting socio-economic development. Specifically, dynamic modeling can be an efficient approach to accomplish this system. This paper aims to construct a dynamic linear optimization model to reflect a water environment management system which includes three sub-models with consideration of their interrelationships (a socio-economic model based on dynamic Input-Output model, a water resources cycle model, and a water pollutants flow model). Based on simulation, the model can precisely estimate trends of water utilization, water quality, and economic development under certain management targets, and propose an optimal plan. Taking Tianjin as a target area, this study utilized the model to analyze the potential of using reclaimed water to accomplish local water environment management and sustainable development plan while exploring the applicable approaches. This study indicates that the constructed water environment management system can be effective and easily adopted to assess water resources and environment while improving the trade-off between economic and environment development, as well as formulate regional development plan.

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