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Inicio  /  Climate  /  Vol: 10 Par: 8 (2022)  /  Artículo

Rainy Day Prediction Model with Climate Covariates Using Artificial Neural Network MLP, Pilot Area: Central Italy

Matteo Gentilucci and Gilberto Pambianchi    


The reconstruction of daily precipitation data is a much-debated topic of great practical use, especially when weather stations have missing data. Missing data are particularly numerous if rain gauges are poorly maintained by their owner institutions and if they are located in inaccessible areas.In this context, an attempt was made to assess the possibility of reconstructing daily rainfall data from other climatic variables other than the rainfall itself, namely atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and prevailing wind direction.The pilot area for the study was identified in Central Italy, especially on the Adriatic side, and 119 weather stations were considered.The parameters of atmospheric pressure, humidity and prevailing wind direction were reconstructed at all weather stations on a daily basis by means of various models, in order to obtain almost continuous values rain gauge by rain gauge. The results obtained using neural networks to reconstruct daily precipitation revealed a lack of correlation for the prevailing wind direction, while correlation is significant for humidity and atmospheric pressure, although they explain only 10?20% of the total precipitation variance. At the same time, it was verified by binary logistic regression that it is certainly easier to understand when it will or will not rain without determining the amount. In this case, in fact, the model achieves an accuracy of about 80 percent in identifying rainy and non-rainy days from the aforementioned climatic parameters. In addition, the modelling was also verified on all rain gauges at the same time and this showed reliability comparable to an arithmetic average of the individual models, thus showing that the neural network model fails to prepare a model that performs better from learning even in the case of many thousands of data (over 400,000). This shows that the relationships between precipitation, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure are predominantly local in nature without being able to give rise to broader generalisations.

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