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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 7 (2019)  /  Artículo

3D Numerical Simulation of Hydro-Acoustic Waves Registered during the 2012 Negros-Cebu Earthquake

Claudia Cecioni    
Alessandro Romano    
Giorgio Bellotti and Paolo De Girolamo    


The paper investigates on the hydro-acoustic waves propagation caused by the underwater earthquake, occurred on 6 February 2012, between the Negros and Cebu islands, in the Philippines. Hydro-acoustic waves are pressure waves that propagate at the sound celerity in water. These waves can be triggered by the sudden vertical sea-bed movement, due to underwater earthquakes. The results of three dimensional numerical simulations, which solve the wave equation in a weakly compressible sea water domain are presented. The hydro-acoustic signal is compared to an underwater acoustic signal recorded during the event by a scuba diver, who was about 12 km far from the earthquake epicenter.

pp. 0 - 0

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