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Inicio  /  Buildings  /  Vol: 11 Par: 6 (2021)  /  Artículo

Corrosion Activity of Carbon Steel B450C and Low Chromium Ferritic Stainless Steel 430 in Cement Extract Solution

Ángel Bacelis    
Lucien Veleva    
Sebastián Feliu    
Marina Cabrini and Sergio Lorenzi    


This study compares corrosion activities of carbon steel B450C and SS 430 (Mn in low content) exposed for 30 days in cement extract solution. Iron oxide and hydroxide were formed as corrosion products, in addition to CaCO3, in the presence of Cr2O3 on SS 430. Because of the decrease in pH, B450C lost the passive state when OCP shifted to negative values, while SS 430 showed positive OCP values, maintaining its passive state. The SEM images confirmed that the corrosion attack on the surface was less aggressive for SS 430. The Nyquist plots of EIS initially showed capacitive behavior and later changed to semi-linear diffusion impedance, which SS 430 maintained firmly. The phase angle Bode diagrams confirmed these changes. Two equivalent circuits were applied. The calculated values of Rp for SS 430 increased over time (protective passive layer mainly of Cr2O3 oxide), while for carbon steel, Rp reached maximum value after 168 h and then decreased, maintaining minimum values approximately five orders lower than those of the stainless steel.

pp. 0 - 0

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