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Inicio  /  Applied System Innovation  /  Vol: 2 Par: 1 (2019)  /  Artículo

Doppler Shift Time Expansion Resolution and Spectral Performance in Wideband Real-Time RF Channel Emulators

Massimiliano Rossi    


The possibility to test a radio frequency transceiver through the use of appropriate channel emulators allows evaluating their performance under various operating conditions. Many systems are able to operate with a relatively limited instantaneous bandwidth by applying known statistical models. Sometimes, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of a RF transceiver installed on high or very high speed platforms over predictable trajectories using optionally DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data of the terrain to estimate the number of stimulated paths and their contributions during the flight. When the instantaneous bandwidth of the signal becomes high (over several hundreds of MHz), one of the most important phenomena to consider is the Doppler spread induced by the channel and traditional narrowband models become useless. This paper presents some results when a time expansion is adopted to emulate the transceiver dynamic and the consequent Doppler spread with the aim of controlling the spectral purity of the emulated propagation channel.

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