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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 13 (2022)  /  Artículo

A Graph-Based Representation Method for Fashion Color

Yuyilan Chen    
Yuqian Dai    
Li Li    
Chenqu Ma and Xiaogang Liu    


Fashion color research takes the color information of fashion apparel as the major focus for further studies, such as style categorization or trend prediction. However, the colors in apparel are treated as isolated elements from each other, disregarding the fact that not only the attributes of each color itself but also the collocation relationship of the colors in apparel are important color factors. To provide a more comprehensive abstraction of the information from the fashion colors as well as emulating the human cognition of fashion colors, in this paper, we are the first to propose a knowledge graph-based representation method that captures not only the individual colors but also abstracts the spatial relation of all the colors that appear in a single piece of fashion apparel. This method provides the fundamental definition of the abstraction of the relation of colors, a detailed method to construct the color graph, as well as the practical matrix-based management and the visualization of the constructed graphs. The case studies for color data extraction and extended usage demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with comprehensive color data representation and effective information extraction.

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