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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 1 (2021)  /  Artículo

Digital Processing of Seismic Data from Open-Pit Mining Blasts

Natalia Koteleva and Ilia Frenkel    


This article describes an approach of mathematical processing of signals (seismograms) from five blasthole charges from experimental blasting, each 3 m deep, with equal explosive weight (1 kg), and equidistant (3 m) from one other. The seismic explosive waves were measured at a 13 to 25 m distance. This article provides spectral analysis, wavelet analysis, and fractal analysis results. It defines the dependence of dominant frequency and amplitude on the distance to the blast center. According to the experimental data, the dominant frequency is calculated as y = 1.0262x0.2622 and the amplitude dependency as y = 18.139x-2.276. Furthermore, the analysis shows that 80% of the entire signal is concentrated in half the area of frequency range, i.e., the low frequency zone is of the most interest. This research defines the dependence of distance on the energy value of signal wavelet analysis. It is demonstrated that, according to the experimental data, the 12th frequency range is closely correlated with the distance values. This article gives the definitions of entropy, correlation dimension, and predictability time. This experiment shows that entropy and correlation dimension decrease but predictability time increases when the distance to the blast center increases. This article also describes the method for determining optimal drilling and blasting parameters, and concludes with the possibility of applying the analytical results to predicting and enhancing drilling and blasting operations.

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