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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 10 Par: 8 (2018)  /  Artículo

An Effective Kalman Filter-Based Method for Groundwater Pollution Source Identification and Plume Morphology Characterization

Simin Jiang    
Jinhong Fan    
Xuemin Xia    
Xianwen Li and Ruicheng Zhang    


The identification of unknown groundwater pollution sources and the characterization of pollution plume remains a challenging problem. In this study, we addressed this problem by a linked simulation-optimization approach. This approach couples a contaminant transport simulation model with a Kalman filter-based method to identify groundwater pollution source and characterize plume morphology. In the proposed methodology, the concentration field library, the covariance reduction with a Kalman filter, an alpha-cut technique of fuzzy set, and a linear programming model are integrated for solving this inverse problem. The performance of this methodology is evaluated on an illustrative groundwater pollution source identification problem. The evaluation considered the random hydraulic conductivity filed, erroneous monitoring data, a prior information shortage of potential pollution sources, and an unexpected and unknown pumping well. The identified results indicate that, under these conditions, the proposed Kalman filter-based optimization model can give satisfactory estimations to pollution sources and plume morphology for domains with small and moderate heterogeneity but cannot validate the transport in the relatively high heterogeneous field.

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