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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 11 (2020)  /  Artículo

Model Predictive Control of Non-Linear Systems Using Tensor Flow-Based Models

Rómulo Antão    
José Antunes    
Alexandre Mota and Rui Escadas Martins    


The present paper proposes an approach for the development of a non-linear model-based predictive controller (NMPC) using a non-linear process model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This work exploits recent trends on ANN literature using a TensorFlow implementation and shows how they can be efficiently used as support for closed-loop control systems. Furthermore, it evaluates how the generalization capability problems of neural networks can be efficiently overcome when the model that supports the control algorithm is used outside of its initial training conditions. The process?s transient response performance and steady-state error are parameters under focus and will be evaluated using a MATLAB?s Simulink implementation of a Coupled Tank Liquid Level controller and a Yeast Fermentation Reaction Temperature controller, two well-known benchmark systems for non-linear control problems.

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