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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 13 Par: 11 (2020)  /  Artículo

Efficient Data Structures for Range Shortest Unique Substring Queries

Paniz Abedin    
Arnab Ganguly    
Solon P. Pissis and Sharma V. Thankachan    


Let ??[1,??] T [ 1 , n ] be a string of length n and ??[??,??] T [ i , j ] be the substring of ?? T starting at position i and ending at position j. A substring ??[??,??] T [ i , j ] of ?? T is a repeat if it occurs more than once in ?? T ; otherwise, it is a unique substring of ?? T . Repeats and unique substrings are of great interest in computational biology and information retrieval. Given string ?? T as input, the Shortest Unique Substring problem is to find a shortest substring of ?? T that does not occur elsewhere in ?? T . In this paper, we introduce the range variant of this problem, which we call the Range Shortest Unique Substring problem. The task is to construct a data structure over ?? T answering the following type of online queries efficiently. Given a range [??,??] [ a , ß ] , return a shortest substring ??[??,??] T [ i , j ] of ?? T with exactly one occurrence in [??,??] [ a , ß ] . We present an ??(??log??) O ( n log n ) -word data structure with ??(log????) O ( log w n ) query time, where ??=O(log??) w = O ( log n ) is the word size. Our construction is based on a non-trivial reduction allowing for us to apply a recently introduced optimal geometric data structure [Chan et al., ICALP 2018]. Additionally, we present an ??(??) O ( n ) -word data structure with ??(??--vlog????) O ( n log ? n ) query time, where ??>0 ? > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant. The latter data structure relies heavily on another geometric data structure [Nekrich and Navarro, SWAT 2012].

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