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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 3 (2021)  /  Artículo

Combination Constraints of Multiple Fields for Implicit Modeling of Ore Bodies

De-Yun Zhong    
Li-Guan Wang and Jin-Miao Wang    


In this paper, we introduce combination constraints for modeling ore bodies based on multiple implicit fields interpolation. The basic idea of the method is to define a multi-labeled implicit function that combines different sub-implicit fields by the combination operations, including intersection, union and difference operators. The contribution of this paper resides in the application of combination of more general implicit fields with combination rules for the implicit modeling of ore bodies, such that the geologist can construct constraints honoring geological relationships more flexibly. To improve the efficiency of implicit surface reconstruction, a pruning strategy is used to avoid unnecessary calculations based on the hierarchical bounding box of the operation tree. Different RBF-based methods are utilized to study the implicit modeling cases of ore bodies. The experimental results of several datasets show that the combination constraints are useful to reconstruct implicit surfaces for ore bodies with mineralization rules involving multiple fields.

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